
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Backup Exec - Create a CentOS VM to use mhVTL

There are many kinds of backup solutions. NetBackup, Backup Exec, Time Navigator, Networker and so on. Some of them offer a trial version for testing. If you want to test with a tape library, how can you test? For testing, the physical tape library is too expensive. How about a free virtual VTL? You can test these solutions in VMware Workstation.

mhVTL is a free virtual VTL software created by Mark Harvey. I guess he is a Symantec engineer. His website is https://sites.google.com/site/linuxvtl2.

I explain how to install mhVTL in a CentOS VM in this post. Please refer the following.

Required Packages. [ Download Link ]

- kmod-mhvtl-1.3-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64.rpm
- mhvtl-utils-1.4-9.x86_64.rpm

■ Creating a CentOS VM to use mhVTL

■ Installing mhVTL Packages in the CentOS VM

■ Configuring mhVTL

■ Configuring iSCSI target

Thank you~! :)

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